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ONE IN FIVE of us will experience symptoms of mental illness in any given year. In Australia that’s around 5 million people. And roughly 60% of these people won’t seek help. As the only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan, Black Dog Institute's aim is to create a mentally healthier world for everyone.


Premier League games are as follows

  • Men's PL Reserves - Saturday at 1.00pm

  • Men's PL Firsts - Saturday at 3.00pm

  • Women's PL Reserves - Sunday at 1.00pm

  • Women's PL Firsts - Sunday at 3.00pm

Our BBQ will be up and running selling our special pulled pork rolls. The BTH Committee will be there to promote this cause. All BTH Raiders will be wearing orange socks on Saturday 19 June and Sunday 20 June and funds raised will be donated to the Black Dog Institute in support of mental wellness. You can donate to the charity through our website in increments of $10.00. CLICK HERE to donate online.

The O’Donoghue family have had a long standing connection with Belrose-Terrey Hills Raiders. Ben joined the club in juniors and continued playing through AL’s and into O35’s, finally hanging up his boots in 2019.

His two boys, Zac and Oli have followed a similar trajectory playing for the club through juniors and youth teams into AL’s. Ben also served the club as a youth team coach for several years. Throughout the family’s football journey, Ben’s dad Rory was always a keen supporter from the sidelines. Rory used physical activity/fitness as the most positive way to stay mentally healthy. He was an incredible athlete for his age, competing in multiple Ironman and other triathlon events.

Many would know Rory from his television and musical career, most memorably as Aunty Jack’s sideman, Thin Arthur. What most did not know was the ongoing mental battle that Rory faced.Following Rory’s tragic death just over three years ago, Ben and his family have sought to openly communicate the systemic issues in supporting those suffering from complex mental illness.

A recent episode of the ABC’s Australian Story featured the O’Donoghue family reflecting on Rory’s life and struggles.

While we know we are only one family among many who have faced and continue to deal with the difficulties of supporting loved ones with complex mental conditions, we recognise that dad’s profile in the community gives us a particular opportunity to have a voice into a space that desperately needs more resources. We are so thankful for the initiative of BTH Raiders in their desire to support this cause by fundraising for the Black Dog Institute” said Ben.

'I never really knew him': Aunty Jack star Rory O'Donoghue's crippling illness | Australian Story. Watch the episode belo



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