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thank you from our physio

To the PL boys and the BTH community,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be the club and PL physio this year.
I was certainly kept busy! Due to the unusual circumstances this year, we probably weren’t as mentally and physically prepared for the season, hence more injuries... ACL rupture, MCL tear, ankle sprains, hamstring tears and tendinopathies, quads tears, back and neck pain, shoulder injuries, fractured cheek bone and more...
But every player I met put everything into their game and worked very hard to get back on the field. It was so beneficial to be there at the games to help with a quick treatment before the game and immediate diagnosis of any injuries.
What a great group of lads!
Thank you to the wonderful manager Sarah Herbig, coaches Greg Fuchs and Greg McElroy, Andy Saunders and Mark French for all their hard work.
Keep fit everyone over the summer and let’s be better prepared for next season!
For any advice or treatment, please do not hesitate to call me on 0412 556 554.

Denise Godfrey

Belrose Family Physio

Castlereagh Physiotherapy and Sports Injuries Clinic


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