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MWFA is pleased to confirm dates and topics for four in-season Coach Workshops to be made available across May, June and July. These coach education opportunities aim to provide ongoing guidance and advice throughout the season, and to compliment official FFA coaching courses, with topics based on feedback received on what coaches would find valuable.

  • Monday May 6 - Match Day Coaching and Formations (all age groups) - 6:30pm – 8:30 @ Cromer Park (back pitches)

  • Monday May 20 - FIFA 11+ (with a ball) and Football Conditioning (fitness) - 6:30pm – 8:30 @ Cromer Park (back pitches)

  • Monday June 17 - Involving/Coaching Goalkeepers (in Game Training sessions) - 6:30pm – 8:30 @ Cromer Park (back pitches)

  • Monday July 29 - Trials/Grading and Pre-Season Training - 6:30pm – 8:30 @ MWFA (club room)

Around 50 coaches attended the recent MWFA Coaching Expo despite the bad weather, and the night was a great success. Special thanks to our guests Phil Moss and Jimmy van Weeren for their time and insightful contributions, along with all of the coaches and players who helped out on the night with the model sessions.

Feedback received from the Expo provides a good guide on what to expect at the upcoming workshops:

“Very informative and I learnt a lot.” – Chris Whiting

“I really got a lot out of it, especially the first session. A lot of good ideas for my own coaching sessions and great to see it actually played out rather than on the page!” – Chris Harvey

“It was extremely professionally presented, and an invaluable experience for myself as a novice coach. In particular it was great to see the lesson plans from the coaching manuals in practice. Although I have looked at the lesson plans in the FFA manuals I didn’t really understand them. Now I have seen the intent behind the lessons I can unlock this valuable resource.” – Steve Perfrement

The Coach Workshops are completely FREE, but registration is required. See here to register:

Please ensure you arrive at least 10 minutes early to sign in so the workshops can start and finish on time.

It would be appreciate if all participants can bring football boots (ideally) or runners, and appropriate clothing to play football in, just in case they are needed as players on the night.

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