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W-League Sydney FC vs. Melbourne Victory - Get your FREE tickets now

MWFA are hosting Womens Sydney FC against Melbourne Victory on Sunday 2nd December at 4pm. MWFA are putting together some great activities on the day BUT more importantly . You will need to register as per below to get your ticket. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER to get your free ticket and the offer is open to the first 4,000 people. To book your ticket, please follow the below process: 


Log onto the ticketing portal here:

Scroll down to the “Association Registered Player” and order your ticket

You must enter a PROMO CODE – which is your FFA number followed by your first name. I.e 12345678Paul

Delivery method should be Print at home

Click on ADD TO CART (red button)

Click on the CHECKOUT button (green button)

Follow the prompts then click the RESERVE TICKETS BUTTON

You will then be able to print out your ticket, which must be brought on the day to gain entry. You can only purchase one ticket for every player but as there is no transaction fees or ticket fees you can secure multiple tickets for each member of family by repeating the process using the different name and FFA Number. For family and friends who are not registered players, they can also purchase tickets to the game through the same process (but using adult, child or concession – instead of Association registered Player). Ticket prices for non-registered MWFA and MUFC players are: Adult: $15 Concession: $8 Junior (16 and under) $8 Family (2 Adult and two people 16 and under $40  

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