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Coach Education Workshop

Coach Education Workshops for BTH Raiders Coaches, Managers and any other members interested in coaching

Chris Adams, the new Community Coach Development Manager will be running four sessions over two evenings at Wyatt Oval on Wednesday the 14th June and Wednesday the 19th of July in conjunction with our Coaching Director Nate Gray and our coaching co-ordinators Craig Ormiston, Wes Cartwright, Ratko Lovric and Gary Glover.

Coaches are encouraged to attend as many of the workshops as they like and the sessions are expected to be practically based.

We will be inviting a few teams to be involved in each of the workshops directly so that lots of our teams get some exposure to these advanced coaching sessions.

If your team is also interested in being involved in being part of one of these sessions please also register your interest.

For those interested in senior coaching – the 19th July session will follow into a full session where our highly experienced Coaching Director Nate Gray will run a personalised session for attendees to be involved in. This is a coaching program and mentoring session, so that all our coaches can benefit from seeing how to run an expert session and get some coaching tips along the way.

We implore all coaches to make an effort to get down to at least one of the sessions and watch both of these highly regarded coaches show you how to take your coaching to the next level.

Wed 14th June

5-6pm 6-9 years The Discovery Phase (Chris Adams)

6-7pm 10-13 years The Skill Acquisition Phase (Chris Adams)

Wednesday 19th July

5-6pm 13-17 years The Game Training Phase (Chris Adams)

17+ (seniors) The Performance Phase (Chris Adams + Nate Gray)

7-8.30pm seniors Observe a full senior session and be mentored by Nate Gray


Gary Glover

President of BTH Raiders Soccer Club

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