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Working with Children Check (WWCC)

All coaches & managers of BTH Raiders are required to provide us with a WWC number.

How do I apply for a WWC Check?

Step 1

Applicants complete an online form at Once they have submitted the form they will receive an application number.

Step 2

Applicants take their application number and proof of their identity to a NSW Motor Registry, RMS Agency or Service NSW office. Applicants must appear in person to prove their identity – this task cannot be delegated to a third party. Proof of identity must also be performed in NSW – it cannot be completed from interstate or overseas. The WWCC is free for volunteers.

Step 3

A WWCC includes a national police check and a review of findings of misconduct involving children. If the applicant receives a clearance, they will be issued with a WWC check number.

Step 4

The applicant must then provide this number, their name and their date of birth to the club as soon as possible.

Step 5

BTH Raiders will then enter the above details to verify the applicant’s status

Step 6

If the outcome of the online verification is “cleared” or “application in progress” the applicant may begin working with children immediately. Barred applicants must not engage in any child related work (paid or volunteer). It is an offence for them to do so and penalties apply. It is also an offence to hire a barred worker for child related activities, paid or volunteer.

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